Saturday, July 22, 2006

Add A Little Emily

Usually, when children are to be included in the ceremony, a separate vow is made to the child at the end of the ceremony after the couple have recited their vows and exchanged rings. At that time, the minister will call the child forward and the couple make a separate vow to her to love, cherish, protect, encourage, nurture and support her. Your daughter's minister can help them in creating the wording and the timing in the ceremony for the vow. Then, the minister introduces the family by saying something like "It is my pleasure to introduce Mr. & Mrs. Micael Lopez and Emily Lopez."

Your daughter may also be interested in presenting her daughter with a family medallion during the ceremony. The medallions are most often used when one parent marries someone who will become a step-parent, but they can also be used when the child belongs to both parents.

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